Monday, January 12, 2009

kwaheri tena

Kind of a twist on the more common Kiswahili saying of "karibu tena"...actually almost the opposite. I leave tonight and again, it is a mixture of emotions. Even though I was only here for two weeks this time, I miss people at home a lot more. It was kind of a lonely trip this time, doing fieldwork by myself instead of actually teaching. I did very much enjoy spending time with my family here and I met up with many of my Tanzanian friends from last year on Saturday and we had a great lunch together. Two of my favorites are actually dating now, which is exciting! But I am definitely glad to be going home too, back to running water and toilets as usual.

Yesterday bibi (grandma) came over and she thinks I am a riot. She breaks into this huge grin whenever I say anything in Kiswahili to her, which I have to pratically yell because she is pretty deaf. She also falls asleep constantly in her chair while we are all sitting around and talking or whatnot. She is amazing, I wish I had met her sooner.

Back to school, labs, friends, work, research, interviews, boys, running, dancing, and dining halls.

1 comment:

KI W. said...

love the pictures! now for an update, pleaseee